Boost the recovery

Prehabilitation is designed to boost the patients recovery after surgery. However, there is a multitude of benefits not only for patients but also for hospitals, doctors and insurance companies.

What are the benefits of prehabilitation with Prehan-M for patients?

Patients experience a variety of positive health effects. These include the following effects in particular:

A faster healing and return to everyday life
Avoidance or lower probability for complications
A general improvement in the state of health2 6 or stopping further deterioration.
An improvement in performance1 3, and coping with any illness-related difficulties in everyday life
An improved and active patient involvement in the healing process and thus greater patient sovereignty
Reduced time required for preparation

What benefits does prehabilitation offer hospitals and care providers?

From the practitioner’s perspective, prehabilitation brings a number of very valuable benefits:

The success of the treatment can be improved

Greater cost-efficiency due to shorter inpatient stays and lower complication rates

Improved customer and patient loyalty
Efficient doctor and patient communication
Improved adherence through accompanying monitoring of the pre-habilitation process by the attending physician

What are the benefits of pre-habilitation for health insurers and cost bearers?

From the perspective of the insurer, pre-habilitation offers a reduction in the average hospital stay (possibly also a long-term adjustment of hospital costs in for of lower DRGs)1 2 5 7 and also avoids or reduces the probability of complications4 and/or a return to the hospital8 as well the associated costs.
Patients who practice pre-habilitation gain increased health competence with their everyday life, which in principle represents a very valuable foundation for future primary prevention.

1 Santa Mina et al, 2014a; 2 Moyer et al, 2017; 3 Minnella et al, 2017; 4 Barberan-Garcia et al, 2018; 5 Howard et al, 2019; 6 Vasta et al, 2020; 7 Gentry et al, 2020; 8 Sánchez-Iglesias et al, 2020

Are you interested in learning more about PrehabM?

If you are a patient, doctor, clinic or insurance company interested in using the
digital PrehabM application, then please contact us for more information.
